Alex Hewitt
MNCPS (Acc.)
I need help, but I don’t know why?
This is a question many people ask as they search online for a therapist, phone a number they’ve been given by their GP, or ask friends or family where they should turn to for support.
There is no easy answer - humans are complex.
However, it’s my belief that the true expert on you is yourself. You just might not know it. What you need is help in finding the answers within you to questions such as:
Who am I really?
Why do I feel I don’t belong?
Why do my relationships never work?
Why can’t I be honest with people?
Why can’t I be honest with myself?
What will happen if I say ‘yes’…. or ‘no’?
Being able to understand how we ended up where we are - how and why we’ve taken our particular journey through life - is key to being able to accept ourselves. My job is to help you discover why you behave the way you do, act the way you do and react the way you do.