Frequently Asked Questions
"How do I know I need therapy?" There is no definitive answer to this, but if you've found yourself looking at therapy sites and therapy directories, it's likely that you already know that you need help with some issues in your life. The idea of therapy can be daunting, but you have already taken the first step.
"How do I know you're the right therapist for me?" The therapeutic relationship - the connection between the client and the therapist - is absolutely fundamental to the success of therapy. If you don't feel comfortable or able to be completely open and honest with me, then therapy won't work. I therefore do not expect clients to sign a contract locking them in to a specific number of sessions. You will know quite quickly if we can build a trusting relationship within the therapy room. "How long will I have therapy for?" This is up to you. Some clients come to me for a few months, some have been seeing me for a number of years. I would generally not suggest fewer than six sessions, as it often takes this long to uncover and unpick issues. However, whilst I discuss the ending of therapy with my clients, the ultimate decision is up to them. "How often should I have sessions?" This is up to you. Some clients come weekly, some fortnightly, and some once a month. I would generally recommend initially coming weekly or fortnightly.
"What sort of therapy do you offer?" There are many different therapeutic models, and it can often seem overwhelming when researching a therapist. I am a humanistic therapist, which simply put, means that I believe that clients have the answers within them to their problems and issues, but they need help accessing these answers. Often clients do not see what others do, such as repeated patterns of behaviour or emotional dysregulation, and they are often unaware of the impact that childhood events have had on them. My job is to listen and 'join the dots'. "Will you give me advice?" The simple answer is 'no'. I believe that clients have the answers within them, and my job is to help you come to the decision you believe is right.
"What should I expect from my first session?" It's likely you'll be nervous in your first session, and I understand that. Every client is different, but first sessions are usually the time when new clients tell their story, in whatever way they feel comfortable. I will ask a few questions, but this is the time for you to explain why you have come to see me, and for us to start building a trusting therapeutic relationship. We will proceed at a pace that suits you - some clients open up completely in week one, others take many weeks to feel secure enough to do this.
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